We may automatically process your personal information, without human intervention, to evaluate certain personal aspects about you (known as profiling).
In particular, we may analyse or predict (among other things) your economic situation, personal preferences, interests or behaviour. This could mean that automated decisions are made about you using your personal information. For example, we might analyse certain customer demographics, account holdings and account behaviours (such as Direct Debits you have set up on your accounts including those which identify accounts and products such as credit cards and store cards which you hold with other providers/elsewhere) and look at details of transactions relevant to your accounts. We may also analyse events such as the maturity dates of your accounts and opening anniversaries.
In some instances we'll use automated processing and decision making, where relevant, to decide which of our other products or services might be suitable for you. We'll look at the types of accounts that you already have with us, as well as your age, where this is relevant to the product, we think you might be interested in. We'll also conduct behavioural scoring, including by looking at the accounts and products you already have with us and how they are being used, such as account turnover, arrears and other indications of financial difficulties. Where searches are carried out against publicly available data sources and credit reference agencies, these searches may appear on your credit report, but they will not affect your ability to get credit.
You may have a right to certain information about how we make these decisions. You may also have a right to request human intervention and to challenge the decision.
You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. Further details can be found in the Using my personal data (pdf) booklet.